Market closes Friday weak as investors record moderate loss
Market transactions on the Nigerian Stock Exchange (NSE) closed the week on negative note as investors recorded a loss of N2 billion as the Market Capitalisation closed the week at N9.631 trillion as against N9.633 trillion on Thursday even the All-Share Index closed on Friday at 28,042.99 from 28,046.96 on Thursday.
A total of 397.327 million shares valued at N3.855 billion were exchanged in 3,724 deals in the day trading.
The most appreciated stock in the day trading was PRESCO which rose from N37 per share to close at N38.85 having added N1.85 to its opening value. GUARANTY rose from N23.5 to N24 per share as it added N0.5. ZENITHBANK which began the day trading activities at N16.31 closed at N16.74 as it was marked up by N0.43.NB which began the day trading at a value of N138.71 per share closed at N139 having added N0.29 to its opening value while CUSTODYINS closed at N3.97 from N3.83 as it recorded a gain N0.14 per share.
On the flip side, JBERGER top the losers’ chart for the day as it dropped from N50.93 with which it began the day trading to close at N48.39 as it recorded a loss of N2.54; PZ moved from N20.6 to N18.6 as it lost N2.0 per share. OKOMUOIL which opened at N34.75 closed the day at N33.66 as it was marked down by N1.09 per share; GUINNESS opened at N94.2 to close at N93.16 as it recorded a loss of N1.04; NESTLE which began market participation for the day at N850 closed at N849 having been marked down by N1.0 per share.
The most traded stock of the day was UBA which accounted for 131.706 million shares at N599.401; FIDSON traded 49.315milion shares at the value of N108.477 million; ZENITHBANK traded 48.972 million shares valued at N808.300 million; FCMB traded 44.031 million shares at N61.546 million while FBNH traded 27.683 million shares at N93.880 million.
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