PenCom is on sabbatical while Contributory Pensioners suffer
PenCom has been on sabbatical while the elder state-men which it was created to cater for are in pains, despite the facts that The Pencom Acts of 2004 as amended in “The Pencom Acts of 2014″ has taken cares of some of the shortcomings in the then Pension Acts of 2004 and had enriched the powers and privileges of Pencom on the affairs of Contributory Pensioners with their former employers and pension managers, yet Pencom has refused to be proactive to the on-going concerns of The Contributory Pensioners in Nigeria.
The nonchalant attitudes of Pencom to its mandate has led to series of communication within the affected associations of contributory pensioners, their former employers (Federal Ministries/Agencies/Divisions),Federal Legislators and Pencom by Contributory Pensioners, yet Pencom has refused to listen/reason nor taken any positive step in resolving the problems, while they held themselves incommunicado, daring who will visit the LION IN IT’S DEN, since no Ministry/Department/Agencies has the right to ask Pencom on its responsibilities towards their former employers, than SUBMIT YOUR PAPERS AND GO, ask no question and commit no sin.
Recently, the Association of Contributory Pensioners of Nigeria held its 1st National Symposium and National Assembly” at Press Center, Radio House, Garki,Abuja on Monday 23rd October,2017 and NTA Association of Contributory Pensioners (NTA-ACPEN) mobilized its members and travelled from its headquarter in Lagos attended as delegates.
Some of the sins of PenCom
- Opaqueness & Gross Secrecy on the Standard or Scale for Payment of Contributory Pensioners.
As at today, no government ministries/agencies nor contributory pensioners know how Pencom arrived at the amount paid to the pension managers on behave of the contributory pensioners.
Whenever we made enquires on the formula used, we were told by Pencom that, “They (Pencom) worked on the information provided by our employers, but we were never told how they (Pencom) arrived at our entitlements”. Pencom should not be bothered on the mode of operations, we were usually told.
- None actualization of 33% payment and accrued 15% upward review of payment to Contributory Pensioners, despite the fact that “Old Pension Scheme”(retirees on or before 30th June,2007) were enjoying all the benefits, despite the fact that no law/rules/regulations says that contributory pensioners might not enjoy same.
The upward review of contributory pensioners payment is still a dream since the commencement/implementation in year 2004 while several of the would be benefactors (Pensioners) had died.
- Short changing on payment of entitlement to contributory pensioners while some ministries/agencies/departments had discovered wrong presentations to Pencom and had acknowledged the mistakes and made corrections themselves, which were later represented, yet Pencom refused to act on such corrections while the contributory pensioners continue their lamentations on wrong entitlement-payments.
- Lack of proactiveness nor care on the complaint and observations of contributory pensioners on the shortcomings in the system and total lack of interest in the affairs of contributory pensioners while several Pensioners were yet to receive their entitlements almost a year after retirement from service etc…….
- None representation on the board of PeCom
The law that established Pencom says Contributory Pensioners SHALL be represented at the board, though Pencom could boast of A Pensioner on their board, but we regret to note that “HE/SHE IS NOT A CONTRIBUTORY PENSIONERS REPRESENTATIVE”, therefore not our representative which was one of the major reason that Pencom doesn’t reacts to the PLIGHTS of Contributory Pensioners because the person with them weren’t concerned for only he that wears the shoes knows where it pitches.
1, We seriously appeal to The Federal Government of Nigeria to recall Pencom from its sabbatical on the affairs of contributory pensioners because the welfare of all retired civil servants were one of the major responsibility of the Government.
2,We hereby appeal to “The NASS” to extend their over-site functions to the welfare of CONTRIBUTORY PENSIONERS since 2004,though it commenced in 2007 till date and make necessary amendment to Pencom Act on all the shortcomings observed.
3,It is our hope that The Almighty Pencom shall be very alive to her RESPONSIBILIES on the affairs and welfare of Contributory Pensioners since the job had been lifted from each Federal Government Employers of labour to them while we hope that Pencom should relialize that the Act of 2004 as amended by Pencom Acts 2014 were inadequate on the faults on Contributory Pension Affairs and thereby resolved to work in harmony with the Contributory Pensioners Associations.
We hereby call on Pencom to return from its sabbatical as many of The Contributory Pensioners we die daily without the privilege to enjoy the benefit of their labour-past while we call on all the good citizens to raise against the injustice on Pensioners in Nigeria.
It’s our prayers and hope that Contributory Pensioners might not witness another “Minor and Injurious Maina-Gate on the affairs of pensions in Nigeria again” because the secrecy under which Pencom operates were unexpected and worrisome.
Sincerely Yours,
Alhaji Gbadebo Omolaja Olatokunbo,
(Chairman, NTA Association of Contributory Pensioners, NTA-ACPEN)