Nigeria, Uganda sign MoU on insurance training, examination, research

Two insurance training colleges in Nigeria and Uganda have signed a Memorandun of Understanding (MoU) to provide an effective and orderly framework for collaboration in training, examination and research.

The College of Insurance and Financial Management (CIFM), Nigeria, signed the MoU with the Insurance Training College (ITC), Uganda, for collaboration in broad areas.

A copy of the MoU obtained by the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Lagos on Monday was signed by Dr Yeside Oyetayo, Rector, CIFM Nigeria and Dr Saul Seremba, Chief Executive Officer, ITC Uganda.

According to the MoU, the parties agreed to collaborate on broad areas of activities but not limited to professional training and skilling insurance, research and consultancy programme/ curriculum development and review.

The agreement would also cover examination moderation, mentorship and leadership programme, students exchange programme and other areas of mutual cooperation to foster the vision and mission of both institutions.

“Such activities will be undertaken when mutual agreement of the parties is consented to and is subject to respective governance processes and policies,” it said.

The MoU noted that the parties recognised their mutual interest in the field of training, short courses and executive programmes; the professional training and skills in the area of insurance, research and consultancy.

It stated that the parties were aware of the importance of their role in the promotion of collaboration in the insurance sector and increased contribution to the development of the society. (NAN)